Koperasi Ekonomi
Koperasi Sebagai Lembaga Ekonomi, merupakan badan usaha yang mampu menghasilkan keuntungan & pengembangan organisasi & usahanya, dengan menggunakan sistem manajemen usaha sbg badan usaha bisnis : profit maksimal, biaya minimal, brand koperasi maksimal .
Anggota koperasi:
Perorangan, yaitu orang yang secara sukarela menjadi anggota koperasi;
Badan hukum koperasi, yaitu suatu koperasi yang menjadi anggota koperasi yang memiliki lingkup lebih luas.
Pada Pernyataan Standard Akuntansi Keuangan (PSAK) No. 27 (Revisi 1998), disebutkan bahwa karateristik utama koperasi yang membedakan dengan badan usaha lain, yaitu anggota koperasi memiliki identitas ganda.fact Identitas ganda maksudnya anggota koperasi merupakan pemilik sekaligus pengguna jasa koperasi.
Umumnya koperasi dikendalikan secara bersama oleh seluruh anggotanya, di mana setiap anggota memiliki hak suara yang sama dalam setiap keputusan yang diambil koperasi.fact Pembagian keuntungan koperasi (biasa disebut Sisa Hasil Usaha atau SHU biasanya dihitung berdasarkan andil anggota tersebut dalam koperasi, misalnya dengan melakukan pembagian dividen berdasarkan besar pembelian atau penjualan yang dilakukan oleh anggota.
Koperasi bertujuan memajukan kesejahteraan anggota pada khususnya dan masyarakat pada umumnya, serta ikut membangun tatanan perekonomian nasional, dalam rangka mewujudkan masyarakat yang maju, adil dan makmur berlandaskan Pancasila dan Undang-Undang Dasar 1945.ref Sito, Arifin. Tamba, Halomoan Koprasi teori dan peraktek.
Konsep Koperasi
a. Barat
Merupakan organisasi swasta yg dibentuk secara sukarela oleh orang2 yg mempunyai persamaan kepentingan, utk mengurus kepentingan anggotanya dan menciptakan keuntungan timbal balik bagi anggota dan koperasinya .
b. Sosialis
Koperasi direncanakan dan dikendalikan oleh pemerintah dan dibentuk dengan tujuan merasionalkan produksi untuk menunjang perencanaan nasional . Merupakan sub sistem sosialisme-komunis (kepemilikan faktor produksi adalah kolektif)
c. Negara berkembang
Koperasi didominasi campur tangan pemerintah dalam pembinaan dan pengembangannya. Meningkatkan kesejahteraan anggotanya .
Prinsip Koperasi
Koperasi berbentuk Badan Hukum sesuai dengan Undang-Undang No.12 tahun 1967 ialah: “Organisasi Ekonomi Rakyat yang berwatak sosial, beranggotakan orang-orang atau badan hukum koperasi yang merupakan tata susunan ekonomi sebagai usaha bersama, berdasarkan asas kekeluargaan.
Kinerja koprasi khusus mengenai perhimpunan, koperasi harus bekerja berdasarkan ketentuan undang-undang umum mengenai organisasi usaha (perseorangan, persekutuan, dsb.) serta hukum dagang dan hukum pajak. Organisasi koperasi yang khas dari suatu organisasi harus diketahui dengan menetapkan anggaran dasar yang khusus.Secara umum, Variabel kinerja koperasi yang di ukur untuk melihat perkembangan atau pertumbuhan (growth) koperasi di Indonesia terdiri dari kelembagaan (jumlah koperasi per provinsi, jumlah koperasi per jenis/kelompok koperasi, jumlah koperasi aktif dan nonaktif).
Keanggotaan, volume usaha, permodalan, asset, dan sisa hasil usaha. Variabel-variabel tersebut pada dasarnya belumlah dapat mencerminkan secara tepat untuk dipakai melihat peranan pangsa (share) koperasi terhadap pembangunan ekonomi nasional. Demikian pula dampak dari koperasi (cooperative effect) terhadap peningkatan kesejahteraan anggota atau masyarakat belum tercermin dari variabel-variabel yang di sajikan. Dengan demikian variabel kinerja koperasi cenderung hanya dijadikan sebagai salah satu alat untuk melihat perkembangan koperasi sebagai badan usaha.
Rabu, 05 Oktober 2011
Jumat, 30 September 2011
Koperasi adalah badan usaha yang beranggotakan orang-orang atau badan hukum koperasi dengan melandaskan kegiatannya berdasarkan prinsip koperasi sekaligus sebagai gerakan ekonomi rakyat yang berdasarkan asas kekeluargaan. Koperasi bertujuan untuk menyejahterakan anggotanya.
Berdasarkan pengertian tersebut, yang dapat menjadi anggota koperasi yaitu:
1. Perorangan, yaitu orang yang secara sukarela menjadi anggota koperasi
2. Badan hukum koperasi, yaitu suatu koperasi yang menjadi anggota koperasi yang memiliki lingkup lebih luas
Pada Pernyataan Standard Akuntansi Keuangan , disebutkan bahwa karateristik utama koperasi yang membedakan dengan badan usaha lain, yaitu anggota koperasi memiliki identitas ganda. Identitas ganda maksudnya anggota koperasi merupakan pemilik sekaligus pengguna jasa koperasi. Umumnya koperasi dikendalikan secara bersama oleh seluruh anggotanya, dimana setiap anggota memiliki hak suara yang sama dalam setiap keputusan yang diambil koperasi. Pembagian keuntungan koperasi (biasa disebut Sisa Hasil Usaha atau SHU) biasanya dihitung berdasarkan andil anggota tersebut dalam koperasi, misalnya dengan melakukan pembagian dividen berdasarkan besar pembelian atau penjualan yang dilakukan oleh si anggota.
Menurut UU No. 25 tahun 1992 Pasal 5 disebutkan prinsip koperasi, yaitu :
1. Koperasi Simpan Pinjam
adalah koperasi yang bergerak di bidang simpanan dan pinjaman
2. Koperasi Konsumen
koperasi beranggotakan para konsumen dengan menjalankan kegiatannya jual beli menjual barang konsumsi
3. Koperasi Produsen
koperasi beranggotakan para pengusaha kecil (UKM) dengan menjalankan kegiatan pengadaan bahan baku dan penolong untuk anggotanya.
4. Koperasi Pemasaran
koperasi yang menjalankan kegiatan penjualan produk/jasa koperasinya atau anggotanya
5. Koperasi Jasa
Koperasi yang bergerak di bidang usaha jasa lainnya.
Seperti halnya bentuk badan usaha yang lain, untuk menjalankan kegiatan usahanya koperasi memerlukan modal. Adapun modal koperasi terdiri atas Modal Sendiri dan Modal Pinjaman.
Modal Sendiri meliputi sumber modal sebagai berikut :
1. Simpanan Pokok
Simpanan pokok adalah sejumlah uang yang wajib dibayarkan oleh anggota kepada koperasi pada saat masuk menjadi anggota. Simpanan pokok tidak dapat diambil kembali selama yang bersangkutan masih menjadi anggota koperasi. Simpanan pokok jumlahnya sama untuk setiap anggota.
2. Simpanan Wajib
Simpanan wajib adalah jumlah simpanan tertentu yang harus dibayarkan oleh anggota kepada koperasi dalam waktu dan kesempatan tertentu, misalnya tiap bulan dengan jumlah simpanan yang sama untuk setiap bulannya. Simpanan wajib tidak dapat diambil kembali selama yang bersangkutan masih menjadi anggota koperasi.
3. Dana Cadangan
Dana cadangan adalah sejumlah uang yang diperoleh dari penyisihan Sisa Hasil usaha, yang dimaksudkan untukpemupukan modal sendiri, pembagian kepada anggota yang keluar dari keanggotaan koperasi, dan untukmenutup kerugian koperasi bila diperlukan.
4. Hibah
Hibah adalah sejumlah uang atau barang modal yang dapat dinilai dengan uang yang diterima dari pihak lain yang bersifat hibah/pemberian dan tidak mengikat.
Adapun Modal Pinjaman koperasi berasal dari pihak-pihak sebagai berikut :
1. Anggota dan calon anggota
2. Koperasi lainnya dan/atau anggotanya yang didasari dengan perjanjian kerjasama antarkoperasi
3. Bank dan lembaga keuangan lainnya yang dilakukan berdasarkan ketentuan peraturan perudang-undangan yang berlaku
4. Penerbitan obligasi dan surat utang lainnya yang dilakukan berdasarkan ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku
5. Sumber lain yang sah
IV. Mekanisme Pendirian Koperasi
Mekanisme pendirian koperasi terdiri dari beberapa tahap :
1. Pertama adalah pengumpulan anggota, karena untuk menjalankan koperasi membutuhkan minimal 20 anggota.
2. Kedua, para anggota tersebut akan mengadakan rapat anggota, untuk melakukan pemilihan pengurus koperasi (ketua, sekertaris, dan bendahara).
3. Setelah itu, koperasi tersebut harus merencanakan anggaran dasar dan rumah tangga koperasi itu.
4. Lalu meminta perizinan dari negara.
5. Barulah bisa menjalankan koperasi dengan baik dan benar.
V. Sejarah Gerakan Koperasi
Gerakan koperasi digagas oleh Robert Owen (1771–1858), yang menerapkannya pertama kali pada usaha pemintalan kapas di New Lanark, Skotlandia.
Gerakan koperasi ini dikembangkan lebih lanjut oleh William King (1786–1865) – dengan mendirikan toko koperasi di Brighton, Inggris. Pada 1 Mei 1828, King menerbitkan publikasi bulanan yang bernama The Cooperator, yang berisi berbagai gagasan dan saran-saran praktis tentang mengelola toko dengan menggunakan prinsip koperasi.
Koperasi akhirnya berkembang di negara-negara lainnya. Di Jerman, juga berdiri koperasi yang menggunakan prinsip-prinsip yang sama dengan koperasi buatan Inggris. Koperasi-koperasi di Inggris didirikan oleh Charles Foirer, Raffeinsen, dan Schulze Delitch. Di Perancis, Louis Blanc mendirikan koperasi produksi yang mengutamakan kualitas barang. Di Denmark Pastor Christiansone mendirikan koperasi pertanian.
VI. Gerakan Koperasi di Indonesia
Koperasi diperkenalkan di Indonesia oleh R. Aria Wiriatmadja di Purwokerto, Jawa Tengah pada tahun 1896. Dia mendirikan koperasi kredit dengan tujuan membantu rakyatnya yang terjerat hutang dengan rentenir. Koperasi tersebut lalu berkembang pesat dan akhirnya ditiru oleh Boedi Oetomo dan SDI.
Belanda yang khawatir koperasi akan dijadikan tempat pusat perlawanan, mengeluarkan UU no. 431 tahun 19 yang isinya yaitu :
1. Harus membayar minimal 50 gulden untuk mendirikan koperasi
2. Sistem usaha harus menyerupai sistem di Eropa
3. Harus mendapat persetujuan dari Gubernur Jendral
4. Proposal pengajuan harus berbahasa Belanda
Hal ini menyebabkan koperasi yang ada saat itu berjatuhan karena tidak mendapatkan izin Koperasi dari Belanda. Namun setelah para tokoh Indonesia mengajukan protes, Belanda akhirnya mengeluarkan UU no. 91 pada tahun 1927, yang isinya lebih ringan dari UU no. 431 seperti :
1. Hanya membayar 3 gulden untuk materai
2. Bisa menggunakan bahasa daerah
3. Hukum dagang sesuai daerah masing-masing
4. Perizinan bisa didaerah setempat
Koperasi menjamur kembali hingga pada tahun 1933 keluar UU yang mirip UU no. 431 sehingga mematikan usaha koperasi untuk yang kedua kalinya. Pada tahun 1942 Jepang menduduki Indonesia. Jepang lalu mendirikan Koperasi Kumiyai. Awalnya koperasi ini berjalan mulus. Namun fungsinya berubah drastis dan menjadi alat jepang untuk mengeruk keuntungan, dan menyengsarakan rakyat.
Setelah Indonesia merdeka, pada tanggal 12 Juli 1947, pergerakan koperasi di Indonesia mengadakan Kongres Koperasi yang pertama di Tasikmalaya. Hari ini kemudian ditetapkan sebagai Hari Koperasi Indonesia.
VII. Perangkat Organisasi Koperasi
• Rapat Anggota
Rapat anggota adalah wadah aspirasi anggota dan pemegang kekuasaan tertinggi dalam koperasi. Sebagai pemegang kekuasaan tertinggi, maka segala kebijakan yang berlaku dalam koperasi harus melewati persetujuan rapat anggota terlebih dahulu., termasuk pemilihan, pengangkatan dan pemberhentian personalia pengurus dan pengawas.
• Pengurus
Pengurus adalah badan yang dibentuk oleh rapat anggota dan disertai dan diserahi mandat untuk melaksanakan kepemimpinan koperasi, baik dibidang organisasi maupun usaha. Anggota pengurus dipilih dari dan oleh anggota koperasi dalam rapat anggota. Dalam menjalankan tugasnya, pengurus bertanggung jawab terhadap rapat anggota. Atas persetujuan rapat anggota pengurus dapat mengangkat manajer untuk mengelola koperasi. Namun pengurus tetap bertanggung jawab pada rapat anggota.
• Pengawas
Pengawas adalah badan yang dibentuk untuk melaksanakan pengawasan terhadap kinerja pengurus. Anggota pengawas dipilih oleh anggota koperasi di rapat anggota. Dalam pelaksanaannya, pengawas berhak mendapatkan setiap laporan pengurus, tetapi merahasiakannya kepada pihak ketiga. Pengawas bertanggung jawab kepada rapat anggota
VIII. Logo Gerakan Koperasi Indonesia
Lambang gerakan koperasi Indonesia memiliki arti sebagai berikut :
• Rantai melambangkan persahabatan yang kokoh.
• Roda bergigi menggambarkan upaya keras yang ditempuh secara terus menerus.
• Kapas dan padi berarti menggambarkan kemakmuran rakyat yang diusahakan oleh koperasi.
• Timbangan berarti keadilan sosial sebagai salah satu dasar koperasi.
• Bintang dalam perisai artinya Pancasila, merupakan landasan ideal koperasi.
• Pohon beringin menggambarkan sifat kemasyarakatan dan kepribadian Indonesia yang kokoh berakar.
• Koperasi Indonesia menandakan lambang kepribadian koperasi rakyat Indonesia.
• Warna merah dan putih menggambarkan sifat nasional Indonesia.
• Dilihat dari segi terminologi, maka para ahli ekonomi berbeda pendapat tentang arti koperasi.
Perbedaan tersebut di latar belakangi oleh pendidikan dan pengalaman hidupnya masing-masing.
Namun pada hakikatnya mereka memiliki prinsip yang sama yaitu mengenai adanya unsur sosial dalam pembentukannya. Untuk lebih jelasnya, pengertian terminologi yang dijelaskan para ahli ekonomi, dapat dilihat dari uraian berikut :
Sumber: http://id.shvoong.com/social-sciences/economics/2082481-pengertian-koperasi-dari-beberapa-ahli/#ixzz1ZJhw5bNY,google
Koperasi adalah badan usaha yang beranggotakan orang-orang atau badan hukum koperasi dengan melandaskan kegiatannya berdasarkan prinsip koperasi sekaligus sebagai gerakan ekonomi rakyat yang berdasarkan asas kekeluargaan. Koperasi bertujuan untuk menyejahterakan anggotanya.
Berdasarkan pengertian tersebut, yang dapat menjadi anggota koperasi yaitu:
1. Perorangan, yaitu orang yang secara sukarela menjadi anggota koperasi
2. Badan hukum koperasi, yaitu suatu koperasi yang menjadi anggota koperasi yang memiliki lingkup lebih luas
Pada Pernyataan Standard Akuntansi Keuangan , disebutkan bahwa karateristik utama koperasi yang membedakan dengan badan usaha lain, yaitu anggota koperasi memiliki identitas ganda. Identitas ganda maksudnya anggota koperasi merupakan pemilik sekaligus pengguna jasa koperasi. Umumnya koperasi dikendalikan secara bersama oleh seluruh anggotanya, dimana setiap anggota memiliki hak suara yang sama dalam setiap keputusan yang diambil koperasi. Pembagian keuntungan koperasi (biasa disebut Sisa Hasil Usaha atau SHU) biasanya dihitung berdasarkan andil anggota tersebut dalam koperasi, misalnya dengan melakukan pembagian dividen berdasarkan besar pembelian atau penjualan yang dilakukan oleh si anggota.
Menurut UU No. 25 tahun 1992 Pasal 5 disebutkan prinsip koperasi, yaitu :
1. Koperasi Simpan Pinjam
adalah koperasi yang bergerak di bidang simpanan dan pinjaman
2. Koperasi Konsumen
koperasi beranggotakan para konsumen dengan menjalankan kegiatannya jual beli menjual barang konsumsi
3. Koperasi Produsen
koperasi beranggotakan para pengusaha kecil (UKM) dengan menjalankan kegiatan pengadaan bahan baku dan penolong untuk anggotanya.
4. Koperasi Pemasaran
koperasi yang menjalankan kegiatan penjualan produk/jasa koperasinya atau anggotanya
5. Koperasi Jasa
Koperasi yang bergerak di bidang usaha jasa lainnya.
Seperti halnya bentuk badan usaha yang lain, untuk menjalankan kegiatan usahanya koperasi memerlukan modal. Adapun modal koperasi terdiri atas Modal Sendiri dan Modal Pinjaman.
Modal Sendiri meliputi sumber modal sebagai berikut :
1. Simpanan Pokok
Simpanan pokok adalah sejumlah uang yang wajib dibayarkan oleh anggota kepada koperasi pada saat masuk menjadi anggota. Simpanan pokok tidak dapat diambil kembali selama yang bersangkutan masih menjadi anggota koperasi. Simpanan pokok jumlahnya sama untuk setiap anggota.
2. Simpanan Wajib
Simpanan wajib adalah jumlah simpanan tertentu yang harus dibayarkan oleh anggota kepada koperasi dalam waktu dan kesempatan tertentu, misalnya tiap bulan dengan jumlah simpanan yang sama untuk setiap bulannya. Simpanan wajib tidak dapat diambil kembali selama yang bersangkutan masih menjadi anggota koperasi.
3. Dana Cadangan
Dana cadangan adalah sejumlah uang yang diperoleh dari penyisihan Sisa Hasil usaha, yang dimaksudkan untukpemupukan modal sendiri, pembagian kepada anggota yang keluar dari keanggotaan koperasi, dan untukmenutup kerugian koperasi bila diperlukan.
4. Hibah
Hibah adalah sejumlah uang atau barang modal yang dapat dinilai dengan uang yang diterima dari pihak lain yang bersifat hibah/pemberian dan tidak mengikat.
Adapun Modal Pinjaman koperasi berasal dari pihak-pihak sebagai berikut :
1. Anggota dan calon anggota
2. Koperasi lainnya dan/atau anggotanya yang didasari dengan perjanjian kerjasama antarkoperasi
3. Bank dan lembaga keuangan lainnya yang dilakukan berdasarkan ketentuan peraturan perudang-undangan yang berlaku
4. Penerbitan obligasi dan surat utang lainnya yang dilakukan berdasarkan ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku
5. Sumber lain yang sah
IV. Mekanisme Pendirian Koperasi
Mekanisme pendirian koperasi terdiri dari beberapa tahap :
1. Pertama adalah pengumpulan anggota, karena untuk menjalankan koperasi membutuhkan minimal 20 anggota.
2. Kedua, para anggota tersebut akan mengadakan rapat anggota, untuk melakukan pemilihan pengurus koperasi (ketua, sekertaris, dan bendahara).
3. Setelah itu, koperasi tersebut harus merencanakan anggaran dasar dan rumah tangga koperasi itu.
4. Lalu meminta perizinan dari negara.
5. Barulah bisa menjalankan koperasi dengan baik dan benar.
V. Sejarah Gerakan Koperasi
Gerakan koperasi digagas oleh Robert Owen (1771–1858), yang menerapkannya pertama kali pada usaha pemintalan kapas di New Lanark, Skotlandia.
Gerakan koperasi ini dikembangkan lebih lanjut oleh William King (1786–1865) – dengan mendirikan toko koperasi di Brighton, Inggris. Pada 1 Mei 1828, King menerbitkan publikasi bulanan yang bernama The Cooperator, yang berisi berbagai gagasan dan saran-saran praktis tentang mengelola toko dengan menggunakan prinsip koperasi.
Koperasi akhirnya berkembang di negara-negara lainnya. Di Jerman, juga berdiri koperasi yang menggunakan prinsip-prinsip yang sama dengan koperasi buatan Inggris. Koperasi-koperasi di Inggris didirikan oleh Charles Foirer, Raffeinsen, dan Schulze Delitch. Di Perancis, Louis Blanc mendirikan koperasi produksi yang mengutamakan kualitas barang. Di Denmark Pastor Christiansone mendirikan koperasi pertanian.
VI. Gerakan Koperasi di Indonesia
Koperasi diperkenalkan di Indonesia oleh R. Aria Wiriatmadja di Purwokerto, Jawa Tengah pada tahun 1896. Dia mendirikan koperasi kredit dengan tujuan membantu rakyatnya yang terjerat hutang dengan rentenir. Koperasi tersebut lalu berkembang pesat dan akhirnya ditiru oleh Boedi Oetomo dan SDI.
Belanda yang khawatir koperasi akan dijadikan tempat pusat perlawanan, mengeluarkan UU no. 431 tahun 19 yang isinya yaitu :
1. Harus membayar minimal 50 gulden untuk mendirikan koperasi
2. Sistem usaha harus menyerupai sistem di Eropa
3. Harus mendapat persetujuan dari Gubernur Jendral
4. Proposal pengajuan harus berbahasa Belanda
Hal ini menyebabkan koperasi yang ada saat itu berjatuhan karena tidak mendapatkan izin Koperasi dari Belanda. Namun setelah para tokoh Indonesia mengajukan protes, Belanda akhirnya mengeluarkan UU no. 91 pada tahun 1927, yang isinya lebih ringan dari UU no. 431 seperti :
1. Hanya membayar 3 gulden untuk materai
2. Bisa menggunakan bahasa daerah
3. Hukum dagang sesuai daerah masing-masing
4. Perizinan bisa didaerah setempat
Koperasi menjamur kembali hingga pada tahun 1933 keluar UU yang mirip UU no. 431 sehingga mematikan usaha koperasi untuk yang kedua kalinya. Pada tahun 1942 Jepang menduduki Indonesia. Jepang lalu mendirikan Koperasi Kumiyai. Awalnya koperasi ini berjalan mulus. Namun fungsinya berubah drastis dan menjadi alat jepang untuk mengeruk keuntungan, dan menyengsarakan rakyat.
Setelah Indonesia merdeka, pada tanggal 12 Juli 1947, pergerakan koperasi di Indonesia mengadakan Kongres Koperasi yang pertama di Tasikmalaya. Hari ini kemudian ditetapkan sebagai Hari Koperasi Indonesia.
VII. Perangkat Organisasi Koperasi
• Rapat Anggota
Rapat anggota adalah wadah aspirasi anggota dan pemegang kekuasaan tertinggi dalam koperasi. Sebagai pemegang kekuasaan tertinggi, maka segala kebijakan yang berlaku dalam koperasi harus melewati persetujuan rapat anggota terlebih dahulu., termasuk pemilihan, pengangkatan dan pemberhentian personalia pengurus dan pengawas.
• Pengurus
Pengurus adalah badan yang dibentuk oleh rapat anggota dan disertai dan diserahi mandat untuk melaksanakan kepemimpinan koperasi, baik dibidang organisasi maupun usaha. Anggota pengurus dipilih dari dan oleh anggota koperasi dalam rapat anggota. Dalam menjalankan tugasnya, pengurus bertanggung jawab terhadap rapat anggota. Atas persetujuan rapat anggota pengurus dapat mengangkat manajer untuk mengelola koperasi. Namun pengurus tetap bertanggung jawab pada rapat anggota.
• Pengawas
Pengawas adalah badan yang dibentuk untuk melaksanakan pengawasan terhadap kinerja pengurus. Anggota pengawas dipilih oleh anggota koperasi di rapat anggota. Dalam pelaksanaannya, pengawas berhak mendapatkan setiap laporan pengurus, tetapi merahasiakannya kepada pihak ketiga. Pengawas bertanggung jawab kepada rapat anggota
VIII. Logo Gerakan Koperasi Indonesia
Lambang gerakan koperasi Indonesia memiliki arti sebagai berikut :
• Rantai melambangkan persahabatan yang kokoh.
• Roda bergigi menggambarkan upaya keras yang ditempuh secara terus menerus.
• Kapas dan padi berarti menggambarkan kemakmuran rakyat yang diusahakan oleh koperasi.
• Timbangan berarti keadilan sosial sebagai salah satu dasar koperasi.
• Bintang dalam perisai artinya Pancasila, merupakan landasan ideal koperasi.
• Pohon beringin menggambarkan sifat kemasyarakatan dan kepribadian Indonesia yang kokoh berakar.
• Koperasi Indonesia menandakan lambang kepribadian koperasi rakyat Indonesia.
• Warna merah dan putih menggambarkan sifat nasional Indonesia.
• Dilihat dari segi terminologi, maka para ahli ekonomi berbeda pendapat tentang arti koperasi.
Perbedaan tersebut di latar belakangi oleh pendidikan dan pengalaman hidupnya masing-masing.
Namun pada hakikatnya mereka memiliki prinsip yang sama yaitu mengenai adanya unsur sosial dalam pembentukannya. Untuk lebih jelasnya, pengertian terminologi yang dijelaskan para ahli ekonomi, dapat dilihat dari uraian berikut :
Sumber: http://id.shvoong.com/social-sciences/economics/2082481-pengertian-koperasi-dari-beberapa-ahli/#ixzz1ZJhw5bNY,google
Selasa, 03 Mei 2011
Love And Friendship
Love And Friendship
Often times we encounter a lot of people separating friendship and love because theythink "if the friendship has dived with love, it will be difficult." Especially for those whoestablish friendships between men and women. Friendship is a form of a beautifulrelationship between people, where love is present to give a friendly smile and coloring.Without love, friendship may be in content with disappointment, resentment, anger,selfishness and other things that make a friendship is no longer beautiful.
Stop making the line between love and friendship, let them remain good friends, whomust be in alignment is not a destructive love of friendship. Love beautify our friendship.Often just love scapegoats as a destroyer of a friendship. One big! should be with thelove, friendship will be more enjoyable.
Friends who are experiencing problems in friendship, do not blame love! but try refiningyour friendship with love, kerana love will cover all the mistakes, forgive easily and makethe impossible become possible.
Friends who have not understood the meaning of friendship, try to start a friendship.Because of the friendship you guys will be more mature, not selfish and learn tounderstand. that things are not always the case with our desires.
Friends who are disappointed with the friendship, ponder. Do I have to undergofriendship with correct and try to understand the meaning of friendship for your life .Want , spirit, understanding, maturity, tenderness and weakness of goodthings we will meet in friendship.
Often times we encounter a lot of people separating friendship and love because theythink "if the friendship has dived with love, it will be difficult." Especially for those whoestablish friendships between men and women. Friendship is a form of a beautifulrelationship between people, where love is present to give a friendly smile and coloring.Without love, friendship may be in content with disappointment, resentment, anger,selfishness and other things that make a friendship is no longer beautiful.
Stop making the line between love and friendship, let them remain good friends, whomust be in alignment is not a destructive love of friendship. Love beautify our friendship.Often just love scapegoats as a destroyer of a friendship. One big! should be with thelove, friendship will be more enjoyable.
Friends who are experiencing problems in friendship, do not blame love! but try refiningyour friendship with love, kerana love will cover all the mistakes, forgive easily and makethe impossible become possible.
Friends who have not understood the meaning of friendship, try to start a friendship.Because of the friendship you guys will be more mature, not selfish and learn tounderstand. that things are not always the case with our desires.
Friends who are disappointed with the friendship, ponder. Do I have to undergofriendship with correct and try to understand the meaning of friendship for your life .Want , spirit, understanding, maturity, tenderness and weakness of goodthings we will meet in friendship.
Senin, 02 Mei 2011
Stranded Makes me clubbing and Drug Rehabilitation Center
Drugs and nightlife for almost 2 years to make all the ideals citaku melting. Treasure parents spent only for illicit goods and enjoy freedom. Now, clubbing (sparkling world) has sent me to rehab.
All are still grateful because finally I was able to escape from the bondage of this abject life. Although I must fight it with all the soul berjibaku my body. Oh yes just call me Linda (pseudonym). I was born in the midst of an affluent family. My father was a skipper of coffee, while my mother was an official in one of the government authorities in this city.
Life is filled with mom and dad busy, make me and 3 brothers neglected. The material we are pampered with a range of facilities, good vehicle, a stipend to all my needs met.But one that never father and mother gave, namely compassion. They were too busy with work until we forget the children who so longed for parental love fondling.
Until finally, my first brother died of an overdose putauw. My sister who also bandwagon youngest asleep in the black world. She eloped with her boyfriend because pregnant out of wedlock. All trials that hit my family as well as full already when I got to know the night life with my friends. Stories bukanlagi clubbing rare for me.
Narkobalah that destroy all life. I know these illicit goods is still one of my beloved campus with me. Until I actually made complacent. Almost two years I was taking drugs, all I got from my boyfriend. In fact, I handed kesucianku willing to get their stuff.
Kugeluti free life with my boyfriend has made me familiar with all the pleasures that apparent. We were like husband and wife who no longer know the time and place to be able to vent their desires. I know, all because of the influence of drugs.
In fact, because it has a high dependency, all the treasures I sell my parents to get their stuff. A week I had not drank, it was dead all the joints of my life. Later when things had started to get scarce, I must be willing to give up the car of father to kubarter with the good. Although both my parents know I've become addicted to drugs, but they remained calm, as if nothing happened to me. This is what makes me increasingly desperate and really - really immersed in that world.
In the future - a critical period that is almost unable to save themselves from gerogotan drugs, I met a young man who happened to boarding school alumni. He is still my close neighbors. Apparently he secretly watch all my behavior over the years.
His attention really made me shed a tear. I thought, there are people who want me in kindness. Slowly he began to introduce me to all associated with the religion of Allah.Every time when I have time, he was not bored meet me at home to give me directions to get back into the path of Allah.
Begin then I was aware of the mistake so far. Although still often tempted by the drug and seems unable to escape from him, but the presence of a friend was so strong. He also suggested I enter rehab as a first step to start a new life.
Another did not occur again, I went straight home and started living there. I went during last Ramadan. Almost every night I cry because of regret. Now I spend time in rehab.And my spirit began to grow again. Thank you friend.
All are still grateful because finally I was able to escape from the bondage of this abject life. Although I must fight it with all the soul berjibaku my body. Oh yes just call me Linda (pseudonym). I was born in the midst of an affluent family. My father was a skipper of coffee, while my mother was an official in one of the government authorities in this city.
Life is filled with mom and dad busy, make me and 3 brothers neglected. The material we are pampered with a range of facilities, good vehicle, a stipend to all my needs met.But one that never father and mother gave, namely compassion. They were too busy with work until we forget the children who so longed for parental love fondling.
Until finally, my first brother died of an overdose putauw. My sister who also bandwagon youngest asleep in the black world. She eloped with her boyfriend because pregnant out of wedlock. All trials that hit my family as well as full already when I got to know the night life with my friends. Stories bukanlagi clubbing rare for me.
Narkobalah that destroy all life. I know these illicit goods is still one of my beloved campus with me. Until I actually made complacent. Almost two years I was taking drugs, all I got from my boyfriend. In fact, I handed kesucianku willing to get their stuff.
Kugeluti free life with my boyfriend has made me familiar with all the pleasures that apparent. We were like husband and wife who no longer know the time and place to be able to vent their desires. I know, all because of the influence of drugs.
In fact, because it has a high dependency, all the treasures I sell my parents to get their stuff. A week I had not drank, it was dead all the joints of my life. Later when things had started to get scarce, I must be willing to give up the car of father to kubarter with the good. Although both my parents know I've become addicted to drugs, but they remained calm, as if nothing happened to me. This is what makes me increasingly desperate and really - really immersed in that world.
In the future - a critical period that is almost unable to save themselves from gerogotan drugs, I met a young man who happened to boarding school alumni. He is still my close neighbors. Apparently he secretly watch all my behavior over the years.
His attention really made me shed a tear. I thought, there are people who want me in kindness. Slowly he began to introduce me to all associated with the religion of Allah.Every time when I have time, he was not bored meet me at home to give me directions to get back into the path of Allah.
Begin then I was aware of the mistake so far. Although still often tempted by the drug and seems unable to escape from him, but the presence of a friend was so strong. He also suggested I enter rehab as a first step to start a new life.
Another did not occur again, I went straight home and started living there. I went during last Ramadan. Almost every night I cry because of regret. Now I spend time in rehab.And my spirit began to grow again. Thank you friend.
Family Vacation Joint Options
Family holiday event because it is not easy to implement given the busy schedules of family members different. Once programmed the family vacation should be an agreement which belongs to the whole family. Togetherness in enjoying the holidays willbecome something very significant and invaluable.
The period with the family is very happy for the whole family, because while enjoying a holiday is a different matter with daily routines. We can call it a special day to be withfamily during the holidays.
Family holiday stories that are not easily forgotten the next exciting then make familieswant to be able to enjoy a family vacation. And it is reasonable for every family
The period with the family is very happy for the whole family, because while enjoying a holiday is a different matter with daily routines. We can call it a special day to be withfamily during the holidays.
Family holiday stories that are not easily forgotten the next exciting then make familieswant to be able to enjoy a family vacation. And it is reasonable for every family
Causative “have” is followed by the simple form of a verb, not an infinitive. (causative “have” diikuti oleh verb 1 (tanpa tambahan s/-es), bukan diikuti oleh infinitif (to+verb1)).
- I had John repair my bike. (CORRECT)
- I had John to repair my bike. (INCORRECT,because it is followed by an infinitive)
è Kalimat ke 2 salah karena diikuti oleh infinitif (to+verb1)
► “Have” gives the idea that “X” request “Y” to do something. ( “Have” menunjukkan bahwa “X” meminta “Y” untuk melakukan sesuatu.)
è The formula is: “X” has/have/had “Y” do something (simple form) (rumusnya adalah “X” has/have/had “Y” melakukakn sesuatu (verb dalam bentuk sederhana(verb1 tanpa tambahan s/-es)).
Examples: - Mary has John carry her bag.
Means(artinya): John carried the bag because Mary ask him to. ( John membawa tas karena Mary menyuruhnya).
-I have Jane put my books
Means: Jane put my books because I ask her to.
- Tom had Jane clean the room yesterday
è Using “had” because the adverb of time is yesterday. But still the verb is in simple form.
(HAVE +Past Participle (Verb3)
The past participle(verb 3) is used after “have’ to give a passive meaning.
Examples: - I had my watch repaired (by someone) yesterday.
Means: I caused my watch to be repaired by someone. (saya menyuruh orang lain untuk memperbaiki jam tangan saya kemarin).
-I have my hair cut à means: I asked someone to cut my hair. (saya menyuruh seseorang untuk mencukur rambut saya)
- I am having my car washed at the moment à means: I am asking someone to wash my car at the moment. (pada saat ini saya SEDANG menyuruh seseorang mencuci mobil saya.)
You have to know the different between Have something done and present Perfect/ past perfect form.
HAVE SOMETHING DONE: I have my hair cut à means: I ask someone to cut my hair.
PRESENT PERFECT(S+HAVE/HAS+V3): I have cut my hair àmeans: you cut your own hair.
- Use active sentence for causative “have” (using simple form of a verb) and passive sentence for have something done (using verb 3).
- For causative “have” à after subject you have to use the right form of “have” whether it is “have or has or had” then the object is people (someone), after that,you have to use a simple form of a verb (verb 1 without s/-es) in any kind of adverb of time (present time or past time still use simple form of a verb), you just choose the right form of “have” à “have or has” for present time, “had “ for past time.
- For have something done just follow the pattern.
Fill in the blanks with the right form of causative have, and choose the right form of verb given in the brakets. (isilah dengan bentuk causative have yang benar, dan pilih salah satu bentuk verb yang benar yang diberikan di dalam kurung)
1. We had our treasury Bought our new books yesterday. (buy / buys / bought / to buy)
2. She has her mom cooked dinner for her. (cook / cooks / cooked / to cook )
3. He had his brother done his homework last night (do / does / did / done)
4. Tom is having Bill written the report at the moment. (write / writes / writing / written)
5. Mike has Jenni saved his data. (save / saving / saves / saved)
6. Bob has his packages delivered by the postman. ( deliver / delivers / delivered / delivery)
7. Eddy had_his data changed by his secretary last week. (change / changes / changed / changing)
8. Marie is having her house painted by the workmen at the moment. ( paint / painting / painted / paints)
9. Jonny has his car parked by the parking man. (park / parks / parking / parked)
10. They are having their maid cleaned their room right now. (clean / cleaned / cleans / cleaning)
Causative “have” is followed by the simple form of a verb, not an infinitive. (causative “have” diikuti oleh verb 1 (tanpa tambahan s/-es), bukan diikuti oleh infinitif (to+verb1)).
- I had John repair my bike. (CORRECT)
- I had John to repair my bike. (INCORRECT,because it is followed by an infinitive)
è Kalimat ke 2 salah karena diikuti oleh infinitif (to+verb1)
► “Have” gives the idea that “X” request “Y” to do something. ( “Have” menunjukkan bahwa “X” meminta “Y” untuk melakukan sesuatu.)
è The formula is: “X” has/have/had “Y” do something (simple form) (rumusnya adalah “X” has/have/had “Y” melakukakn sesuatu (verb dalam bentuk sederhana(verb1 tanpa tambahan s/-es)).
Examples: - Mary has John carry her bag.
Means(artinya): John carried the bag because Mary ask him to. ( John membawa tas karena Mary menyuruhnya).
-I have Jane put my books
Means: Jane put my books because I ask her to.
- Tom had Jane clean the room yesterday
è Using “had” because the adverb of time is yesterday. But still the verb is in simple form.
(HAVE +Past Participle (Verb3)
The past participle(verb 3) is used after “have’ to give a passive meaning.
Examples: - I had my watch repaired (by someone) yesterday.
Means: I caused my watch to be repaired by someone. (saya menyuruh orang lain untuk memperbaiki jam tangan saya kemarin).
-I have my hair cut à means: I asked someone to cut my hair. (saya menyuruh seseorang untuk mencukur rambut saya)
- I am having my car washed at the moment à means: I am asking someone to wash my car at the moment. (pada saat ini saya SEDANG menyuruh seseorang mencuci mobil saya.)
You have to know the different between Have something done and present Perfect/ past perfect form.
HAVE SOMETHING DONE: I have my hair cut à means: I ask someone to cut my hair.
PRESENT PERFECT(S+HAVE/HAS+V3): I have cut my hair àmeans: you cut your own hair.
- Use active sentence for causative “have” (using simple form of a verb) and passive sentence for have something done (using verb 3).
- For causative “have” à after subject you have to use the right form of “have” whether it is “have or has or had” then the object is people (someone), after that,you have to use a simple form of a verb (verb 1 without s/-es) in any kind of adverb of time (present time or past time still use simple form of a verb), you just choose the right form of “have” à “have or has” for present time, “had “ for past time.
- For have something done just follow the pattern.
Fill in the blanks with the right form of causative have, and choose the right form of verb given in the brakets. (isilah dengan bentuk causative have yang benar, dan pilih salah satu bentuk verb yang benar yang diberikan di dalam kurung)
1. We had our treasury Bought our new books yesterday. (buy / buys / bought / to buy)
2. She has her mom cooked dinner for her. (cook / cooks / cooked / to cook )
3. He had his brother done his homework last night (do / does / did / done)
4. Tom is having Bill written the report at the moment. (write / writes / writing / written)
5. Mike has Jenni saved his data. (save / saving / saves / saved)
6. Bob has his packages delivered by the postman. ( deliver / delivers / delivered / delivery)
7. Eddy had_his data changed by his secretary last week. (change / changes / changed / changing)
8. Marie is having her house painted by the workmen at the moment. ( paint / painting / painted / paints)
9. Jonny has his car parked by the parking man. (park / parks / parking / parked)
10. They are having their maid cleaned their room right now. (clean / cleaned / cleans / cleaning)
Minggu, 27 Maret 2011
tugas softskill : Bhs Inggris
1. Bob said to me,"Mary is crying on my shoulder at the moment."
2. Tom said to me," I don't want to eat this food."
3. Mary said to me,' I called my friend yesterday."
4. Bill said to me," The children are planning to go to that new museum now."
5. Tom said to me," I haven't called Mary since yesterday.'
6. Joe said to me that he had been sitting there next to my house since two
hours before.
7. John said to Mary that he had written all of their stories in his new book.
8. Jane said to me that she created her new painting in my room.
9. Tom said to me that he spent his time in this room.
10.Bob said to me that Anne didn't put the dictionary on that table.
quoted reported
now then
today that day
tomorrow the next day
next week the following
yesterday the day before/
the previous day
last week the previous
a year ago a year before
this that
that this
here / there there / here
1. Bob said to me that mary was crying on his shoulder at the moment .
2. Tom said to me that he didn’t want to eat that food .
3. Mary said to me that she had called her friend the day before .
4. Bill said to me that the children were planning to go to this new museum then .
5. Tom said to me that he hadn’t called mary since the prenous day .
6. Joe said to me, “ I have been sitting here next to your house since two hours before” .
7. John said to me, “ I written all of their stories in my new book” .
8. Jane said to me, “I create my new painting in your room” .
9. Tom said to me, “I spend my time in that room” .
10. Bob said to me. “anne don’t pot the dictionary on this table” .
2. Tom said to me," I don't want to eat this food."
3. Mary said to me,' I called my friend yesterday."
4. Bill said to me," The children are planning to go to that new museum now."
5. Tom said to me," I haven't called Mary since yesterday.'
6. Joe said to me that he had been sitting there next to my house since two
hours before.
7. John said to Mary that he had written all of their stories in his new book.
8. Jane said to me that she created her new painting in my room.
9. Tom said to me that he spent his time in this room.
10.Bob said to me that Anne didn't put the dictionary on that table.
quoted reported
now then
today that day
tomorrow the next day
next week the following
yesterday the day before/
the previous day
last week the previous
a year ago a year before
this that
that this
here / there there / here
1. Bob said to me that mary was crying on his shoulder at the moment .
2. Tom said to me that he didn’t want to eat that food .
3. Mary said to me that she had called her friend the day before .
4. Bill said to me that the children were planning to go to this new museum then .
5. Tom said to me that he hadn’t called mary since the prenous day .
6. Joe said to me, “ I have been sitting here next to your house since two hours before” .
7. John said to me, “ I written all of their stories in my new book” .
8. Jane said to me, “I create my new painting in your room” .
9. Tom said to me, “I spend my time in that room” .
10. Bob said to me. “anne don’t pot the dictionary on this table” .
Kamis, 17 Maret 2011
tugas softskill : Bhs Inggris(adverbial clause)
Adverbial Clause
Posted by Anggun Queenly.
Adverbial Clause is a Clause (clause) which functions as an adverb, which describes a verb.
Adverbial Clause usually classified based on "the meaning / intent" of the conjunction (conjunctive that preceded it).
The types of adverbial Clause include:
1. Clause of Time
Clause which shows the time. Usually made by using conjunction (conjunctive) as after, before, no sooner, while, axles, etc..
* Shut the door before you go out.
* You begin May Pls (ever) you are ready.
* While he was walking home, he saw an accident.
* By the time I arrive, she will from have left.
* No sooner she ENTERED Than Had he Gave an order.
2. Clause of Place
That show where clause. Usually made by using such conjunction Nowhere, nowhere, anywhere, Wherever, etc..
* They sat down Wherever They Could find empty seats
* The guard Stood Nowhere he was positioned.
* Where there is a will, there is a way.
* Where there is poverty, there We find discontent and unrest.
* Go Nowhere you like.
3. Clause of Contrast (or Concession)
Clause which shows the contradiction between the two incidents or events that are related. Usually made by using conjunction (conjunctive) as although, though, even though, whereas, even if, in spite of, as the time, etc..
* As the time you were the resource persons sleeping, We Were working hard.
* Mary wanted to stop, whereas I wanted to go on.
* Although it is late, We'll stay a little longer.
* He is very friendly, even if he is a clever student.
4. Clause of Manner
Clause which shows the cars how a job is done or event occurs. Usually made by using conjunction (conjunctive) such as, how, like, in that, etc..
* He did as I toll uterus.
* You May finish it how you like.
* May They beat us again, like They did in 1978.
5. Clause of Purpose and Result
Clause which shows the relationship intent / objectives and outcomes. Usually made by using conjunctions such as (in order) that, so that, in the hope that, to the end that, lest, in case, etc..
* They Went to the movie early (in order) to find the best seats.
* She Bought a book so (that) Could she learn Bahasa
* He is saving his money so he he That May take a long vacation.
* I am working night and day in the Hope that I cans finish this book soon.
6. Clause of Cause and Effect
Clause which shows the relationship of cause and effect. There are several patterns to form this kind Clause. Take a good look.
* Good That ran so fast he broke the previous speed record.
* It was so cold yesterday That I Did not Want To swim.
* The Soup That Tastes so good will of everyone ask for more.
* The Student Had he behaved so badly That was dismissed from the class.
* The Smiths That Had so many children They formed Their own baseball team.
* I had job offers so Few That it wasn't Difficult to select one.
* He has invested so much money in the project That he can not abandon it now.
* The grass received so little water That it turned brown in the heat.
* It was a hot day Such That We decided to stay Indoors. OR It was so hot a day That We decided to stay Indoors.
* It was Such an interesting book That he couldn't put it down. OR It was so interesting a book That he couldn't put it down.
* She has Such exceptional Abilities That everyone is jealous of her.
* They are Such beautiful pictures Want That everybody will of one.
* Perry has Had Such bad luck That he's decided not to Gamble.
* This Is Such That Difficult homework I will of never finish it.
In addition, to reveal the relationship of cause and effect (cause and effect) can be used in other patterns, namely:
1. Using the Preposition (preposition) like Because of, due to, due to the fact that, etc.
* Because of the cold weather, We stayed home. (= We stayed home Because of the cold weather)
* Due to the cold weather, We stayed home. (= We stayed home due to the cold weather)
* Due to the fact That the weather was cold, We stayed home. (= We stayed home due to the fact That the weather was cold)
2. Using conjunctions (conjunction) as Because, since, now, that, as, as long as, inasmuch as
* Because he was sleepy, he Went to bed.
* Since he's not Interested in classical music, he decided not to go to the concert.
* As she Had nothing in particular to do, she Called up a friend and asked her if she wanted to take in a movie.
* Inasmuch as the two government leaders Could not reach an agreement, the possibilities for peace are still remote.
3. Using transition words like therefore, consequently.
* Indra Because he failed the test Did not study.
* Indra Did not study. Therefore, he failed the test.
* Indra Did not study. Consequently, he failed the test.
Posted by Anggun Queenly.
Adverbial Clause is a Clause (clause) which functions as an adverb, which describes a verb.
Adverbial Clause usually classified based on "the meaning / intent" of the conjunction (conjunctive that preceded it).
The types of adverbial Clause include:
1. Clause of Time
Clause which shows the time. Usually made by using conjunction (conjunctive) as after, before, no sooner, while, axles, etc..
* Shut the door before you go out.
* You begin May Pls (ever) you are ready.
* While he was walking home, he saw an accident.
* By the time I arrive, she will from have left.
* No sooner she ENTERED Than Had he Gave an order.
2. Clause of Place
That show where clause. Usually made by using such conjunction Nowhere, nowhere, anywhere, Wherever, etc..
* They sat down Wherever They Could find empty seats
* The guard Stood Nowhere he was positioned.
* Where there is a will, there is a way.
* Where there is poverty, there We find discontent and unrest.
* Go Nowhere you like.
3. Clause of Contrast (or Concession)
Clause which shows the contradiction between the two incidents or events that are related. Usually made by using conjunction (conjunctive) as although, though, even though, whereas, even if, in spite of, as the time, etc..
* As the time you were the resource persons sleeping, We Were working hard.
* Mary wanted to stop, whereas I wanted to go on.
* Although it is late, We'll stay a little longer.
* He is very friendly, even if he is a clever student.
4. Clause of Manner
Clause which shows the cars how a job is done or event occurs. Usually made by using conjunction (conjunctive) such as, how, like, in that, etc..
* He did as I toll uterus.
* You May finish it how you like.
* May They beat us again, like They did in 1978.
5. Clause of Purpose and Result
Clause which shows the relationship intent / objectives and outcomes. Usually made by using conjunctions such as (in order) that, so that, in the hope that, to the end that, lest, in case, etc..
* They Went to the movie early (in order) to find the best seats.
* She Bought a book so (that) Could she learn Bahasa
* He is saving his money so he he That May take a long vacation.
* I am working night and day in the Hope that I cans finish this book soon.
6. Clause of Cause and Effect
Clause which shows the relationship of cause and effect. There are several patterns to form this kind Clause. Take a good look.
* Good That ran so fast he broke the previous speed record.
* It was so cold yesterday That I Did not Want To swim.
* The Soup That Tastes so good will of everyone ask for more.
* The Student Had he behaved so badly That was dismissed from the class.
* The Smiths That Had so many children They formed Their own baseball team.
* I had job offers so Few That it wasn't Difficult to select one.
* He has invested so much money in the project That he can not abandon it now.
* The grass received so little water That it turned brown in the heat.
* It was a hot day Such That We decided to stay Indoors. OR It was so hot a day That We decided to stay Indoors.
* It was Such an interesting book That he couldn't put it down. OR It was so interesting a book That he couldn't put it down.
* She has Such exceptional Abilities That everyone is jealous of her.
* They are Such beautiful pictures Want That everybody will of one.
* Perry has Had Such bad luck That he's decided not to Gamble.
* This Is Such That Difficult homework I will of never finish it.
In addition, to reveal the relationship of cause and effect (cause and effect) can be used in other patterns, namely:
1. Using the Preposition (preposition) like Because of, due to, due to the fact that, etc.
* Because of the cold weather, We stayed home. (= We stayed home Because of the cold weather)
* Due to the cold weather, We stayed home. (= We stayed home due to the cold weather)
* Due to the fact That the weather was cold, We stayed home. (= We stayed home due to the fact That the weather was cold)
2. Using conjunctions (conjunction) as Because, since, now, that, as, as long as, inasmuch as
* Because he was sleepy, he Went to bed.
* Since he's not Interested in classical music, he decided not to go to the concert.
* As she Had nothing in particular to do, she Called up a friend and asked her if she wanted to take in a movie.
* Inasmuch as the two government leaders Could not reach an agreement, the possibilities for peace are still remote.
3. Using transition words like therefore, consequently.
* Indra Because he failed the test Did not study.
* Indra Did not study. Therefore, he failed the test.
* Indra Did not study. Consequently, he failed the test.
Senin, 14 Maret 2011
tugas softskill : Bhs Inggris, puisi ke3(bebas)
My longing carved in stone
my voice to flow with water
flowers scattered into eternity.
I patrikan myself on nature
love, song, lara, singing in the pine shoot
breeze put out surge.
I do not, kaupun no, we do not understand
how the sea with his love
mematrikan themselves on a steep cliff.
I want to split quiet
when the moon blossom
but where it longs kupautkan
bergemericik when the water was not clear.
The nature of my soul night
My longing carved in stone
my voice to flow with water
flowers scattered into eternity.
I patrikan myself on nature
love, song, lara, singing in the pine shoot
breeze put out surge.
I do not, kaupun no, we do not understand
how the sea with his love
mematrikan themselves on a steep cliff.
I want to split quiet
when the moon blossom
but where it longs kupautkan
bergemericik when the water was not clear.
The nature of my soul night
tugas softskill : Bhs Inggris, pantun(bebas)
Do not planted rice on the other side
Do menghuma on top of the hill
Do not recalled budinya people
Do not be forgotten though slightly
Do not climb Mount Hold
Do not go without friends
Do not forget his love of god
Do not be sad to receive the test
Do not be so long shadow
Do not think always buried
Do not be angry for a long time dibiar
Do not fertilized hate and revenge
Do not planted rice on the other side
Do menghuma on top of the hill
Do not recalled budinya people
Do not be forgotten though slightly
Do not climb Mount Hold
Do not go without friends
Do not forget his love of god
Do not be sad to receive the test
Do not be so long shadow
Do not think always buried
Do not be angry for a long time dibiar
Do not fertilized hate and revenge
tugas softskill : Bhs Inggris, artikel globalisasi(bebas)
Articles globalization
According to the home he said, the word "globalization" is taken from the global word, whose meaning is universal. Achmad Suparman states Globalization is a process of making something (object or behavior) as a characteristic of every individual in this world without being restricted by region Globalization does not have an established definition, but simply the definition of work (working definition), so that depends from which side one looks at it. Some view it as a social process, or the historical process, or a natural process that will bring all nations and countries around the world increasingly bound to one another, create a new order of life or the unity of co-existence by eliminating geographic boundaries, economic and cultural community.
On the other hand, some see globalization as a project that was carried by the superpower nations, so may be people who have negative views or suspicious about it. From this standpoint, globalization is nothing but capitalism in its most recent. Countries that powerful and rich will practically control the world economies and small states increasingly powerless not being able to compete. Therefore, globalization tends to greatly affect the world economy, and even affect other areas such as culture and religion. Theodore Levitte is the person who first used the term globalization in 1985.
Scholte see that there are several definitions which meant people with globalization:
• Internationalization: Globalization is defined as an increase in international relations. In this case, individual countries retain their respective identities, but became increasingly dependent on each other.
• Liberalization: Globalization is also defined by the diturunkankan borders between countries, such as tariff barriers to exports and imports, foreign exchange flows, and migration.
• Universalising: Globalization is also described as the spread of things material and immaterial to the whole world. Experience in one locality can be a worldwide experience.
• Westernization: Westernization is one form of universalization with the spread of western thought and culture, so global.
• Relationships transplanetari and suprateritorialitas: The meaning is different from the fourth fifth definition above. In the first four definitions, each country still retains the status of ontology. On the fifth sense, the global world has its own ontology status, not just a collaboration of states.
Characteristics of globalization
Here are some characteristics that indicate the growing phenomenon of globalization in dunia.Hilir mudiknya ships carrying goods between countries show linkages between people around the world
• Changes in space and time of Constantine. The development of items such as mobile phones, satellite television, and internet shows that global communication happens so fast, while through such a mass movement of tourism allows us to feel a lot of things from different cultures.
• Market and economic production in different countries become interdependent as a result of international trade growth, increasing influence of multinational corporations, and the dominance of such an organization the World Trade Organization (WTO).
• Increased cultural interaction through the development of mass media (especially television, movies, music, and transmission of international news and sports). Currently, we can eat and experience new ideas and experiences on matters that cross a wide range of cultures, for example in the field of fashion, literature, and the food.
• Increased joint problems, for example in the environmental field, multinational crisis, inflation and other regional.
Kennedy and Cohen conclude that this transformation has led to the globalism, a new awareness and understanding that the world is one. Giddens asserts that most of us realize that we are actually taking part in a world that must be changed without the control which is marked by taste and a sense of interest in the same thing, change and uncertainty, and the fact that may occur. Similarly, Peter Drucker mentions era of globalization as social transformation.
The theory of globalization
Cochrane and Pain confirms that in relation to globalization, there are three theoretical positions that can be seen, namely:
• The globalists believe that globalization is a reality that has real consequences on how people and institutions around the world running. They believe that countries and local culture will be lost buffeted by the global economic culture and homogeneous. however, the globalist do not have the same opinion about the consequences of that process.
• The positive and optimistic globalist respond well to such developments and stated that globalization will produce a world society that is tolerant and responsible.
• The pessimistic globalists argue that globalization is a negative phenomenon because it is actually a form of western colonialism (especially the United States) which forced a number of forms of culture and consumption of the homogeneous and seen as something that is true on the surface. Some of them then formed groups to oppose globalization (anti-globalization).
• The traditionalists do not believe that globalization is happening. They argue that this phenomenon is a mere myth or, if any, have been exaggerated. They consider that capitalism has become an international phenomenon for hundreds of years. What we experience today is just an advanced stage, or evolution, from production and trading capital.
• The transformasionalis be among the globalist and traditionalist. They agree that the impact of globalization has been greatly exaggerated by the globalists. However, they also argue that it is very foolish if we deny the existence of the concept. This theoretical position argues that globalization should be understood as "a set of interrelated relationships with purely through a force, most of which do not occur immediately. " They claim that this process could be reversed, especially when it is negative or, at least, can be controlled.
History of globalization
Many historians refer to globalization as a phenomenon in the 20th century is associated with the rise of the international economy. Though interaction and globalization in international relations in the world has existed since centuries ago. When traced, the seeds of globalization have grown when humans began to recognize the trade antarnegeri around the year 1000 and 1500 AD At that time, traders from China and India began to explore another country either by road (such as the Silk Road) and the sea for trade. File: McDonalds Oslo 2.jpg Phenomenon McDonald in seluroh company grows throughout the world indicate the occurrence of globalization.
The next phase is marked by the dominance of Muslim trade in Asia and Africa. Muslims form a trading network which include Japan, China, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malacca, India, Persia, the East African coast, Mediterranean Sea, Venice, and Genoa. In addition to forming a trade network, the Muslim traders also spread his religious values, names, alphabet, architecture, social and cultural value to the citizens of the Arab world.
The next phase is marked by exploration of the world on a large scale by Europeans. Spanish, Portuguese, English and Dutch were the forerunners of this exploration. This is supported also by the industrial revolution that enhances linkages among nations of the world. various technologies began to found and become the basis of current technological developments, such as computers and the Internet. At that time, also develops colonization in the world who carry major influence on the diffusion of culture in the world.
The continued development of industry and the need for raw materials and markets also led to many multinational companies in the world. In traditional Indonesia for example, since open-door policy, European companies to open many branches in Indonesia. Freeport and Exxon of the United States, Unilever of the Netherlands, British Petroleum of the UK are some examples. Multinational companies such as these remain the icon of globalization to date.
The next phase went ahead and got the momentum when the cold war ended and the collapse of communism in the world. The collapse of communism as if to justify that capitalism is the best way to realize prosperity in the world. The implication, of countries in the world started to provide ourselves as a free market. This is supported also by the development of communication technology and transportation. As a result, interstate barriers began to blur.]]
Pro-globalization movement
Proponents of globalization (often also called pro-globalization) consider that globalization can increase economic welfare and prosperity of the world community. They are based on the theory of comparative advantage which coined by David Ricardo. This theory states that a country with other countries are interdependent and mutually beneficial to each other, and one form is the dependence in the economic field. Both countries can do an exchange transaction in accordance with comparative advantage it has. For example, Japan has a comparative advantage in product digital camera (capable of printing more efficient and high quality), while Indonesia has a comparative advantage in cloth products. With this theory, Japan is advisable to stop the production of cloth and transfer of production factors to maximize the production of digital cameras, and fabric supply shortfalls by buying from Indonesia, and vice versa.
One major obstacle is the presence of cooperation over the restrictions and protection policies of the government of a country. On the one hand, this policy can protect domestic production, but on the other hand, this will increaseproduction costs of imported goods so difficult to penetrate target country markets . The pro-globalism does not agree that there is protection and the ban, they want to do free trade policies so that prices of goods can be suppressed, consequently the demand will increase. Due to increased demand, prosperity will increase and so on.
Some pro-globalism also criticized the World Bank and IMF, they argue that these two bodies only controlling and transferring funds to a country, not to a cooperative or company. As a result, many loans they provided falls into the hands of dictators who then embezzled and do not use these funds as it should, leaving its people in a state of debt bondage, and as a result, the level of prosperity will decline. Due to declining levels of prosperity, the state of society consequently is forced to reduce the level of consumption, including consumption of imported goods, so the pace of globalization will be hampered and - according to them - reduce the welfare of the world.
Sumber : Google
According to the home he said, the word "globalization" is taken from the global word, whose meaning is universal. Achmad Suparman states Globalization is a process of making something (object or behavior) as a characteristic of every individual in this world without being restricted by region Globalization does not have an established definition, but simply the definition of work (working definition), so that depends from which side one looks at it. Some view it as a social process, or the historical process, or a natural process that will bring all nations and countries around the world increasingly bound to one another, create a new order of life or the unity of co-existence by eliminating geographic boundaries, economic and cultural community.
On the other hand, some see globalization as a project that was carried by the superpower nations, so may be people who have negative views or suspicious about it. From this standpoint, globalization is nothing but capitalism in its most recent. Countries that powerful and rich will practically control the world economies and small states increasingly powerless not being able to compete. Therefore, globalization tends to greatly affect the world economy, and even affect other areas such as culture and religion. Theodore Levitte is the person who first used the term globalization in 1985.
Scholte see that there are several definitions which meant people with globalization:
• Internationalization: Globalization is defined as an increase in international relations. In this case, individual countries retain their respective identities, but became increasingly dependent on each other.
• Liberalization: Globalization is also defined by the diturunkankan borders between countries, such as tariff barriers to exports and imports, foreign exchange flows, and migration.
• Universalising: Globalization is also described as the spread of things material and immaterial to the whole world. Experience in one locality can be a worldwide experience.
• Westernization: Westernization is one form of universalization with the spread of western thought and culture, so global.
• Relationships transplanetari and suprateritorialitas: The meaning is different from the fourth fifth definition above. In the first four definitions, each country still retains the status of ontology. On the fifth sense, the global world has its own ontology status, not just a collaboration of states.
Characteristics of globalization
Here are some characteristics that indicate the growing phenomenon of globalization in dunia.Hilir mudiknya ships carrying goods between countries show linkages between people around the world
• Changes in space and time of Constantine. The development of items such as mobile phones, satellite television, and internet shows that global communication happens so fast, while through such a mass movement of tourism allows us to feel a lot of things from different cultures.
• Market and economic production in different countries become interdependent as a result of international trade growth, increasing influence of multinational corporations, and the dominance of such an organization the World Trade Organization (WTO).
• Increased cultural interaction through the development of mass media (especially television, movies, music, and transmission of international news and sports). Currently, we can eat and experience new ideas and experiences on matters that cross a wide range of cultures, for example in the field of fashion, literature, and the food.
• Increased joint problems, for example in the environmental field, multinational crisis, inflation and other regional.
Kennedy and Cohen conclude that this transformation has led to the globalism, a new awareness and understanding that the world is one. Giddens asserts that most of us realize that we are actually taking part in a world that must be changed without the control which is marked by taste and a sense of interest in the same thing, change and uncertainty, and the fact that may occur. Similarly, Peter Drucker mentions era of globalization as social transformation.
The theory of globalization
Cochrane and Pain confirms that in relation to globalization, there are three theoretical positions that can be seen, namely:
• The globalists believe that globalization is a reality that has real consequences on how people and institutions around the world running. They believe that countries and local culture will be lost buffeted by the global economic culture and homogeneous. however, the globalist do not have the same opinion about the consequences of that process.
• The positive and optimistic globalist respond well to such developments and stated that globalization will produce a world society that is tolerant and responsible.
• The pessimistic globalists argue that globalization is a negative phenomenon because it is actually a form of western colonialism (especially the United States) which forced a number of forms of culture and consumption of the homogeneous and seen as something that is true on the surface. Some of them then formed groups to oppose globalization (anti-globalization).
• The traditionalists do not believe that globalization is happening. They argue that this phenomenon is a mere myth or, if any, have been exaggerated. They consider that capitalism has become an international phenomenon for hundreds of years. What we experience today is just an advanced stage, or evolution, from production and trading capital.
• The transformasionalis be among the globalist and traditionalist. They agree that the impact of globalization has been greatly exaggerated by the globalists. However, they also argue that it is very foolish if we deny the existence of the concept. This theoretical position argues that globalization should be understood as "a set of interrelated relationships with purely through a force, most of which do not occur immediately. " They claim that this process could be reversed, especially when it is negative or, at least, can be controlled.
History of globalization
Many historians refer to globalization as a phenomenon in the 20th century is associated with the rise of the international economy. Though interaction and globalization in international relations in the world has existed since centuries ago. When traced, the seeds of globalization have grown when humans began to recognize the trade antarnegeri around the year 1000 and 1500 AD At that time, traders from China and India began to explore another country either by road (such as the Silk Road) and the sea for trade. File: McDonalds Oslo 2.jpg Phenomenon McDonald in seluroh company grows throughout the world indicate the occurrence of globalization.
The next phase is marked by the dominance of Muslim trade in Asia and Africa. Muslims form a trading network which include Japan, China, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malacca, India, Persia, the East African coast, Mediterranean Sea, Venice, and Genoa. In addition to forming a trade network, the Muslim traders also spread his religious values, names, alphabet, architecture, social and cultural value to the citizens of the Arab world.
The next phase is marked by exploration of the world on a large scale by Europeans. Spanish, Portuguese, English and Dutch were the forerunners of this exploration. This is supported also by the industrial revolution that enhances linkages among nations of the world. various technologies began to found and become the basis of current technological developments, such as computers and the Internet. At that time, also develops colonization in the world who carry major influence on the diffusion of culture in the world.
The continued development of industry and the need for raw materials and markets also led to many multinational companies in the world. In traditional Indonesia for example, since open-door policy, European companies to open many branches in Indonesia. Freeport and Exxon of the United States, Unilever of the Netherlands, British Petroleum of the UK are some examples. Multinational companies such as these remain the icon of globalization to date.
The next phase went ahead and got the momentum when the cold war ended and the collapse of communism in the world. The collapse of communism as if to justify that capitalism is the best way to realize prosperity in the world. The implication, of countries in the world started to provide ourselves as a free market. This is supported also by the development of communication technology and transportation. As a result, interstate barriers began to blur.]]
Pro-globalization movement
Proponents of globalization (often also called pro-globalization) consider that globalization can increase economic welfare and prosperity of the world community. They are based on the theory of comparative advantage which coined by David Ricardo. This theory states that a country with other countries are interdependent and mutually beneficial to each other, and one form is the dependence in the economic field. Both countries can do an exchange transaction in accordance with comparative advantage it has. For example, Japan has a comparative advantage in product digital camera (capable of printing more efficient and high quality), while Indonesia has a comparative advantage in cloth products. With this theory, Japan is advisable to stop the production of cloth and transfer of production factors to maximize the production of digital cameras, and fabric supply shortfalls by buying from Indonesia, and vice versa.
One major obstacle is the presence of cooperation over the restrictions and protection policies of the government of a country. On the one hand, this policy can protect domestic production, but on the other hand, this will increaseproduction costs of imported goods so difficult to penetrate target country markets . The pro-globalism does not agree that there is protection and the ban, they want to do free trade policies so that prices of goods can be suppressed, consequently the demand will increase. Due to increased demand, prosperity will increase and so on.
Some pro-globalism also criticized the World Bank and IMF, they argue that these two bodies only controlling and transferring funds to a country, not to a cooperative or company. As a result, many loans they provided falls into the hands of dictators who then embezzled and do not use these funds as it should, leaving its people in a state of debt bondage, and as a result, the level of prosperity will decline. Due to declining levels of prosperity, the state of society consequently is forced to reduce the level of consumption, including consumption of imported goods, so the pace of globalization will be hampered and - according to them - reduce the welfare of the world.
Sumber : Google
tugas softskill : Bhs Inggris, puisi ke2(bebas)
My best friend is a drop of morning dew
aridity of the fallen wet liver
to be able to fertilize the entire garden heart
in coolness
My friends are the stars in the night sky highway
loneliness that accompany the grieving moon
to be able to illuminate the dark universe
in togetherness
My best friend is a shade tree with a thousand branches
the umbrella of the unbearable heat of the sun
to be able to provide shade
in peace
O wandering wind
proclaim to me about her
My best friend is a collection of spring water from the sacred lake
clear flowing endlessly
to be able to eliminate self thirst
the freshness
My best friend is the rain that fell
a hose every inch of the earth a dusty chronic
to be able to clean the crown of flowers and dedaun
in purity
My friends are the pieces of diamond jewels
beautiful sparkling as a matchless gift
to be able to spread the spirit charm
in beauty
My best friend is a drop of morning dew
aridity of the fallen wet liver
to be able to fertilize the entire garden heart
in coolness
My friends are the stars in the night sky highway
loneliness that accompany the grieving moon
to be able to illuminate the dark universe
in togetherness
My best friend is a shade tree with a thousand branches
the umbrella of the unbearable heat of the sun
to be able to provide shade
in peace
O wandering wind
proclaim to me about her
My best friend is a collection of spring water from the sacred lake
clear flowing endlessly
to be able to eliminate self thirst
the freshness
My best friend is the rain that fell
a hose every inch of the earth a dusty chronic
to be able to clean the crown of flowers and dedaun
in purity
My friends are the pieces of diamond jewels
beautiful sparkling as a matchless gift
to be able to spread the spirit charm
in beauty
tugas softskill : Bhs Inggris puisi(bebas)
Mother ...
is a woman who has born me
take care
educate me
until I had grown
Mother ...
is a woman who is always alert when I was in the cradle
when my legs not strong enough to stand
when my stomach feels hungry and thirsty
when kuterbangun in the morning, noon and night
Mother ...
is a caring woman
when I was sick
when I fell
when I cry
when I'm lonely
Mother ...
has been sleeping at a time when I looked at your face
there is light filled with keridhoan
rays are full of patience
there is light filled with love and affection
there is light because I'm exhausted
I always trouble
I always seize your attention
I have spent the milk you
I always trouble you until the tears
Mother ...
you cry because I
are you sad because I
You suffer because of me
you skinny because I
You sacrificed everything for me
Mother ...
credit is not rewarded
credit is not bought
credit is endless
credit is matchless
credit is beautifully painted in heaven
Mother ...
can only pray that I dedicate to you
because of your righteousness
gone unreturned
Only tears as witness
of my love for you
Mother ..., I LOVE YOU SO MUCH
also the father ...!!!
Mother ...
is a woman who has born me
take care
educate me
until I had grown
Mother ...
is a woman who is always alert when I was in the cradle
when my legs not strong enough to stand
when my stomach feels hungry and thirsty
when kuterbangun in the morning, noon and night
Mother ...
is a caring woman
when I was sick
when I fell
when I cry
when I'm lonely
Mother ...
has been sleeping at a time when I looked at your face
there is light filled with keridhoan
rays are full of patience
there is light filled with love and affection
there is light because I'm exhausted
I always trouble
I always seize your attention
I have spent the milk you
I always trouble you until the tears
Mother ...
you cry because I
are you sad because I
You suffer because of me
you skinny because I
You sacrificed everything for me
Mother ...
credit is not rewarded
credit is not bought
credit is endless
credit is matchless
credit is beautifully painted in heaven
Mother ...
can only pray that I dedicate to you
because of your righteousness
gone unreturned
Only tears as witness
of my love for you
Mother ..., I LOVE YOU SO MUCH
also the father ...!!!
Minggu, 27 Februari 2011
tugas softskill : Bhs Inggris
nama : Andreas Kevin
kelas : 1EA19
npm : 10210738
kelas : 1EA19
npm : 10210738
Vacation last year very exciting for me and friends - my friends, because in July of 2010 yesterday, me and my friends - my friends have plans to play to where my friend who was in Tegal. Then at night we all agree with the plan referred to by my friend.
And the next day, exactly in the afternoon we were off by train, it's pretty much the way to go to Tegal, probably from bekasi almost 5-6 hours of travel to arrive there. But we all do not think so long, because when the street and we also enjoy just looking at the situation around and talk.
After our 5-6 hour duration of the train, we finally arrived, there we are in wait of our friends picked us up, after we were on our shuttle was taken to his house to rest a little. After our rest and sleep, in the afternoon we were invited to play around the city dry with friends - our friends.
It's very fun to play to our friend's house, where we play anything so as not boring. This is the story of my best experiences during the school holidays last year.
And the next day, exactly in the afternoon we were off by train, it's pretty much the way to go to Tegal, probably from bekasi almost 5-6 hours of travel to arrive there. But we all do not think so long, because when the street and we also enjoy just looking at the situation around and talk.
After our 5-6 hour duration of the train, we finally arrived, there we are in wait of our friends picked us up, after we were on our shuttle was taken to his house to rest a little. After our rest and sleep, in the afternoon we were invited to play around the city dry with friends - our friends.
It's very fun to play to our friend's house, where we play anything so as not boring. This is the story of my best experiences during the school holidays last year.
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