Kelas : 4EA16
NPM : 10210738
All gas-fired TransJakarta bus, and filled in a particular SPBGs. The
buses are built using a particular material. For the interior of the bus
ceiling, use of fire-resistant materials so that if there is no spark will spread.
For the frame, using a galvanized, a zinc alloy types and solid iron and rust
TransJakarta bus has a door that is higher than the other so that the
bus can only be climbed from TransJakarta bus stops (also known as shelter).
The door is located in the central part of the right and left. For articulated
buses have three pairs of doors are the front, middle, rear right and left.
While the single bus in corridor 4-9 has two pairs of doors, the front and rear
right and left.
The bus door using an automatic folding system that can be controlled
from a console that is in the driver panel. Door opening mechanism on a
particular bus has been converted into a sliding system to better accommodate
the density of passengers on certain hours, the chairs near the rear passenger
door of a lane shift, fitted seat made of acrylic glass to avoid terbenturnya
body parts of passengers by doors are shifted.
Each bus is equipped with an electronic bulletin board and stop
notifying loudspeakers that will be passed immediately to the passengers in the
two languages, namely Indonesian and English. Each bus is also equipped with
radio communication means calling that allows the driver to deliver and get the
latest information about traffic jams, accidents, passenger items left behind,
and others. Each bus displays information about the currently operating bus
(bus Code, an appeal to the user, and call center operators buses).
To anticipate matters of emergency and in order to promote comfort and
safety, at each bus has been fitted with a glass breaking tool that is
available in some parts on each bus, the emergency button on the bus door,
emergency door (bus only), as well as CCTV connected with screen located on the
dashboard of the bus driver (certain corridors)
2. Kalimalang River
Kalimalang along this road which is in
addition to time it makes a very strategic area for settlement , the settlement
both bottom up . The shape and position of the transverse ( from the reservoir
Cawang Purwakarta to Jakarta ) and do not lead to the sea ( north ) makes this
river is not uncommon . As we know that leads like a river from upstream to
downstream , from the mountains to the sea , that's why people call it the
first Kalimalang , even up to now it has been attached to the name . Would not
know what the meaning of the word Kalimalang . Because there Kalimalang river
from before I was born .
The road along which covers 6 districts
Kalimalang this , inevitably occurred congestion problems , like other areas in
Jakarta . Increasingly today 's increasingly complicated problems , especially
roads bitch that seemed difficult to be widened due to settlement that is too
dense and cost considerations are of course very expensive for the road
widening efforts . However, this step must be taken so that local governments
congestion problem can be solved or at least reduced . It said the recent
Jakarta Kalimalang increasingly synonymous with congestion and a scourge for
the city of Jakarta .
This happens because Kalimalang be an
alternative way . The alternative path if the user wants to avoid highway toll
road . It should Kalimalang only for motorcycle users , because a motorcycle
can not be via the motorway . But the reality is different as it should .
Because many car users who use the highway Kalimalang as a public road . This
is what makes Kalimalang become jammed . It is also due to a lack of public
awareness . Because every day more and more public transport users . We can
only hope that Kalimalang breakdown is not getting worse .
3. Gunadarma University
In the campus there are facilities that include classrooms, libraries ,
laboratories , seminar rooms , auditoriums , Pusgiwa ( Student Activity Center
) , BPM , meeting rooms , waiting rooms faculty , academic consulting room ,
cooperatives , workspace management and employees , musholah and mosques , as
well as sports fields . Lecture Room 167 - Gunadarma University has lecture
halls :
12 - space on campus A.
19 - space on campus B and C.
18 - space on campus D.
55 - space on campus E.
39 - space on campus G.
Campus L.
24 - space on campus J.
For the purposes of teaching and
learning lecture hall equipped with the tools that really support , such as :
OHP , Tape Recorder , Central Speaker Sound System , Computer Projector , Slide
Projector and others. Auditorium Auditorium located on the campus of the
University Gunadarma J - Bekasi , campus D - Depok and campus A - Walnuts .
Auditorium on the campus of J building is located on the 6th floor auditorium
J1 and can accommodate approximately 200 people . Auditorium on the campus of D
lies in building 4 on the 6th floor and the auditorium can accommodate
approximately 300 participants . A campus auditorium is located on the 2nd
floor and can accommodate approximately 100 - person participants . The
auditorium was used for both seminars for students and faculty . The auditorium
is equipped with a 1 - piece big screen in the middle and also 2 - piece on the
right side of the left screen .
4. 2014
A total of 46 parties registered to take part in the election
nationwide, from which only 12 parties (plus 3 Acehparties) passed the
requirements set by the General Elections Commission (KPU). To contest the
elections, all parties must have
branch office and branch in every province
branch office and branch at least 75% of the regencies or municipalities in
every province
branch (but not necessarily a permanent office) in at least 50% of the
districts in every regency or municipality
least 1,000 registered members
In addition, at least one third of
each party's candidates must be female.[2]
Initially all parties with seats in
the People's Representative Council were
to be allowed to contest the election without the need for verification, but on
29 August 2012, Indonesia's Constitutional Court overturned
this provision, obliging all parties to undergo the process.[3]
The results of this election will be
instrumental to the presidential election in July due
to the requirement that a presidential ticket must be supported by a party or a
coalition of parties winning at least 20% of the seats or 25% of the popular
votes in the legislative election.
International School
JIS considers
Alumni to be any one whose life has been touched by JIS- former students,
graduates, parents of students, former faculty, former admin, and former staff.
Since August 2012, the Alumni Office has taken ambitious measures in setting a
solid foundation from which the Alumni Office will thrive. It is our hope that
we can reignite the JIS spirit that many of us fondly carry in our hearts; we
strongly feel that the sky is the limit in terms of how we can help each other,
the JIS community, and those less fortunate than us. Together, we stand as a
rich resource, and there are infinite opportunities and potential to be
fulfilled. The JIS Alumni
Portal will be a key conduit in reconnecting our Alumni, and so we hope to
facilitate the following:
with fellow alumni & forming new friendships
& networking
It is my job as your Alumni Coordinator to
recognize you- our alumni (a vital part of JIS’ history), and to listen and
align myself with your desires. With this in mind, I would like to pose the
question: What can we do to keep you engaged?
We sincerely hope that you will help spread the word of our mission to reconnect with alumni. The Alumni Office warmly welcomes you to the online Alumni community.
We sincerely hope that you will help spread the word of our mission to reconnect with alumni. The Alumni Office warmly welcomes you to the online Alumni community.
sumber: Google
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